The Board

Board Position Descriptions and Duties

Permanent Positions

Elected Positions

Board Member End of Year Questionnaire Responses

Executive Director

It’s hard to believe that just over two years ago, LNK was just an idea sparked at a small slosh I organized in November 2021. Back then, with 20-30 people coming together, who could have imagined where we’d be now? Itโ€™s been a journey thatโ€™s left me both humbled and astounded by our growth.

I must start with a heartfelt shout-out to our first board. Frankly, we all dove into this not really knowing the depth of what we were signing up for. The board members, each stepping into uncharted territory, have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. They have faced every challenge head-on, handling complex situations with grace and wisdom. I don’t think any of us anticipated what we were getting into, but the way everyone has managed these responsibilities is truly admirable. I’ve witnessed growth in each of us, not just as leaders but as individuals deeply committed to our community’s wellbeing.

Creating LNK from the ground up was no walk in the park. We started with a basic set of bylaws โ€“ our initial roadmap, which has since morphed into a living document, changing as we grow and learn. Itโ€™s been a hands-on lesson in building something thatโ€™s not just functional but also responsive to our community’s needs.

Whoโ€™d have thought that from those early days, weโ€™d now be here, with our own classroom and, now a dungeon, running events that can pull in crowds of 150+? It’s mind-blowing. LNK’s growth over the year has been remarkable. We’ve expanded our physical presence and diversified our activities, working to create a hub for education, social interaction, and exploration. The transformation from small gatherings to what we are today is a testament to the strength and unity of our LNK family.

Sure, it hasnโ€™t all been smooth sailing.We’ve faced some choices, and controversy, that have been extremely difficult. Weโ€™ve had our share of tough calls to make, particularly around our bylaws and procedures. These challenges have been real eye-openers, teaching us how to strike that delicate balance between heart and head in decision-making.

On a personal note, this year has been a rollercoaster of growth. Iโ€™ve learned, Iโ€™ve changed, and Iโ€™ve been shaped in ways I never expected. Leading LNK has reshaped not just how I see community leadership but also how I view myself and my capabilities.

And now, looking ahead, weโ€™ve got some big plans brewing. The dungeonโ€™s opening in January โ€“ a milestone Iโ€™m particularly pumped about. And then thereโ€™s “Kinktasia” in August. Itโ€™s going to be epic โ€“ a real showcase of what weโ€™re all about.

I canโ€™t wrap this up without a massive thank you to everyone in the LNK family. Your energy, your feedback, your participation โ€“ thatโ€™s whatโ€™s turned this idea into a living, breathing community.

So, hereโ€™s to us, to where weโ€™ve come from, and to where weโ€™re heading. Itโ€™s been an incredible journey so far, and the best part? Weโ€™re just getting started. I am eager to see where our collective journey will lead us next. Thank you for being on this ride with me.


How would you describe your overall experience as a board member this year?
Being one of the first to try anything new is scary. This year on the LNK Board has been no exception. While challenges have been a persistent experience, it has been incredibly rewarding to get to be a part of helping such an amazing group with an incredible mission grow and see the potential for what it is capable of being. There have been many instances where the right decision has not been clear and that is always uncomfortable. The stakes are high and it does come with pressure, but also a lot of wonderful rewards.

What were your initial expectations when you joined the board, and how did they align with your actual experience?
I had very few ideas of what to expect when I was elected to the Board. I had only been a member of the group for a few months, and now a leadership role?? Where we were basically creating the foundation and rules?? Uhhhhh. ๐Ÿ˜ณ I knew the process would not be easy and I was not wrong. But it has been surprisingly easy to collaborate with other Board members and work as a team to try and do the best we can with what we have in any situation.

Were there any aspects of your role that you found particularly challenging or rewarding?
Iโ€™m naturally pretty reserved in social settings and my personal schedule doesnโ€™t leave a lot of margin for events. Being on the Board has forced me to be more intentional with the ways I engage in order to maximize what spoons I do have. Itโ€™s been great getting to know so many new humans by nature of being forward-facing and having it as part of my โ€œjobโ€ prevents me from slacking out and choosing not to engage.

What were the major challenges you faced as a board member?
I am pretty practical. Logic controls many of my decisions. Itโ€™s been difficult to balance that with the nature of where we are as a group right now, which is very โ€œswing for the fences if we wanna make anything happen.โ€ My inclination is to be more reserved and that just doesnโ€™t work to grow us to where we want to be. This has been especially present when considering financial decisions.

Are there areas where you think the board could improve? What suggestions do you have?
Our Board could really benefit from the implementation of more consistent systems and processes. Some of those tools are being developed and put in place, but weโ€™re learning and adjusting as we go still.

How could support and resources be improved for future board members?
Some kind of Board on-boarding would be helpful. Instructions on locating documents on the Drive, expectations for role-specific duties, etc. could be beneficial for future Board members.

How do you perceive the impact of the board on the overall direction and success of the organization?
The Board has been crucial in creating a safe environment for our group to function. Growth has been large and fast and the Board has done a good job of trying to anticipate both current and future need. There have been moments when Board presence has ebbed and not been as active as probably warranted, but thatโ€™s trend is shifting in a positive direction and I think thereโ€™s is really good forward momentum right now.

What future directions or strategies would you suggest for the board and the organization?
I would suggest that the Board continue to get creative with ideas for potential revenue streams. Money has been a consistent consideration in what we are able to do vs. what we need/want to do, so taking some of that pressure off would be highly beneficial.

Any final reflections on your experience?
I never expected to enjoy my role on the Board as much as I have. I expected to fail spectacularly. Instead, I have found a voice within a likeminded group of humans who just want to play safely and leave our community better than they found it. It has been incredibly rewarding and Iโ€™m thankful for having had the opportunity to be a part of this first LNK Board.

What advice would you give to new board members joining in the future?
Speak your truth. Whatever that is. Be open to hearing and considering differing viewpoints, but donโ€™t be afraid to stand firm in what you believe if you have the information you need to do so. Nothing is personal. Everyone sees each situation differently based on their personal lenses and thatโ€™s why the Board is large and diverse. It doesnโ€™t work if itโ€™s an echo chamber or everyone is afraid of speaking up. You will not lose friends or respect for voicing an opinion. It may be challenged, but it will be done with love and the intention of bettering our community as a whole.

Meet the Board

Executive Director
Josh (Shua)