Caleb, “BightAndScratch”

The name’s Caleb, and I’m okay with however you choose to pronounce it.

I’ve been involved with the local kink community for three years now, and have yet to find myself falling out of love with it. Lately I’ve come to embrace myself more than ever before. I present femme mostly, but feel free to call me by whatever pronouns you think fit me best. I mostly go by he/him or he/they, but the occasional “she” or “ma’am” does tend to get a smile out of me.

I’m a writer by hobby, with a couple finished manuscripts and four published erotic short stories. If you somehow manage to find them and my super-secret pen name, please be warned that those four abominations are the only pieces in existence that could ever be considered cheesier than my sense of humor. I make puns. A lot of them. To the point that my wife has been asked by friends to punish me for making them; that my other dominant partners may even consider it bratting.

I’m afraid such sacrifices must be made.

My life is a mostly digital one. I work with computers professionally, and spend most of my time on them. You will almost always be able to reach me on discord and receive a very swift response. I am always open for communication. I am also open for gaming! I tend to stick to more comfy, less competitive games, but I always enjoy gaming with a friend.

I love learning, and teaching what I’ve learned. I’m always excited to welcome newcomers, and share all the knowledge I’ve gained, whether it’s bare-bone basics, or little niche topics I might have explored. There are certainly those more proficient and practiced in our local community, but I consider myself a bondage enthusiast and will aggressively find time in the day to discuss it should it be brought up. We’re talking full “Kool-aid man breaking the wall down” levels of enthusiasm.

Well, if the Kool-aid Man was holding rope in one hand and safety shears in the other.

I’m happy to be part of LNK, and happy to meet everyone in it! Let’s make the future a great one.